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Showing posts from August, 2023

A Tale of Betrayal - Short story

In the dazzling world of Hollywood, where fame and glamour intertwined, lived a talented and ambitious actress named Emma Hartley. With her radiant smile and captivating performances, she had captured the hearts of both her audience and fellow actors. Emma was known not only for her beauty but also for her intelligence and authenticity. She had a magnetic aura that drew people towards her, including the charismatic actor, Ethan Brooks. Ethan was a rising star, hailed for his good looks and charm. When he laid eyes on Emma during a prestigious industry event, he felt an inexplicable connection. Her presence was like a beacon, guiding him through the chaos of the flashing cameras and the cacophony of voices. Determined to make Emma a part of his life, he approached her with confidence, sparking a conversation that flowed effortlessly. As weeks turned into months, Ethan and Emma spent more time together, their connection deepening with every passing day. They laughed, shared stories, and

Echoes of Dignity - short story

A  short story  based on verbal abuse of an office. In a bustling office tower nestled amidst the city's skyline, the air was usually charged with the hum of productivity and the clatter of keyboards. But today, a different kind of tension hung in the air, like an impending storm waiting to break free. Meet Sarah, a diligent and capable young professional who had dedicated herself to her job with unwavering enthusiasm. She had joined the ranks of CoreTech Solutions a year ago, eager to contribute her skills to the team. Her enthusiasm, however, was about to be tested. The antagonist of this tale was Roger, a senior manager who held a reputation for being sharp-tongued and dismissive. He seemed to derive a twisted pleasure from belittling his subordinates, and Sarah had inadvertently become his favorite target. No matter how diligent she was, her every move seemed to invite his scathing remarks. One fateful Monday morning, Sarah found herself face-to-face with Roger's cutting wo

A Beacon of Hope - Rag based short story

In the bustling heart of a prestigious Indian university, there existed a campus rag called "InkEcho." It was a raucous tradition, a blend of mischief and camaraderie that had been passed down through generations. However, this year's initiation took an unexpected turn, leaving scars deeper than anticipated. Among the eager freshers was Riya, a young and innocent girl from a small town. With dreams of academic excellence and a promising future, she entered the university with bright eyes and a heart full of hope. Little did she know, her journey was about to take an unforeseen detour. As the sun set on the day of the initiation, the campus buzzed with anticipation. The senior boys of InkEcho had concocted an elaborate plan, aimed at testing the mettle of the newcomers. The night unfolded with pranks and challenges, all meant in jest. But Riya's gentle nature made her an easy target for their teasing. As the night wore on, the pranks escalated, and Riya found herself i

Fragments of Affection - short story

In a quaint town nestled between rolling hills, lived a girl named Lily. She was different, not in any apparent way, but in her heart. Lily was a proud asexual, finding solace in a world that didn't quite understand her orientation. Her warm smile could light up a room, yet her soul held a complexity that only a few could fathom. One fateful summer, she met Alex, a gentle and charismatic artist who had a talent for turning the ordinary into extraordinary. Their love story blossomed gradually, like a delicate flower emerging from the cracks in a stone wall. Alex's presence in her life was a gentle breeze that swept away the clouds of her doubts, and for the first time, she felt a connection that wasn't centered around physical desires. As the seasons changed, so did their bond. Alex cherished Lily for who she was, and Lily adored Alex for the way he accepted her without questioning. They would spend hours together, exploring the town, creating art, and exchanging stories und

Unraveling the Sadness of a Hopeful Heart - - short story about "sextortion" scam

In the bustling city of New York, lived a young woman named Emily, an aspiring artist with a heart full of dreams. Despite her vivacious nature, she was cautious about the dangers that lurked on the internet. Little did she know that her life was about to take a treacherous turn. One fateful evening, while scrolling through her social media feed, Emily received a message from a man named Alex, claiming to be an artist from a far-off country. His profile showcased mesmerizing paintings and intriguing posts about his creative endeavors. Intrigued by his talent, Emily decided to accept his friend request. As days turned into weeks, Emily and Alex engaged in lively conversations about art, life, and everything in between. Alex was a master manipulator, skillfully weaving his way into Emily's heart by showering her with compliments and understanding her passions. Emily found herself enchanted by his charm, believing she had found a kindred spirit in the vast digital sea. Unbeknownst to

A Web of Deceit - short story about "sextortion" scam

Once upon a time, in a small town, there lived a man named Mark, an earnest and friendly soul who worked in a local bookstore. Mark had always been cautious about the dangers of the internet, but he never expected his life to be turned upside down by an online encounter. One day, while browsing a social media site, Mark received a friend request from a woman named Sarah, claiming to be from a distant country. Her profile showcased mesmerizing photos and captivating posts about her travels and interests. Mark hesitated but eventually accepted the request, intrigued by her apparent charm. Over time, Mark and Sarah exchanged messages and began to chat regularly. She showed keen interest in his life, dreams, and aspirations, making him feel valued and understood. Slowly, Mark found himself emotionally investing in their blossoming friendship, cherishing each interaction with her. As their bond grew stronger, Sarah subtly introduced more flirtatious elements into their conversations. Mark,

Love Amidst Adversity: A Tale of Romance and Redemption

Once upon a time, in a bustling city, there was a young and talented woman named Maya. She had recently joined a prestigious company, excited about the new opportunities that lay ahead. However, her happiness was short-lived as she soon found herself facing a terrible situation at her workplace. Maya's coworkers, led by a particularly envious and spiteful woman named Karen, began bullying her relentlessly. They would mock her ideas during meetings, belittle her efforts, and spread rumors behind her back. Maya couldn't understand why they targeted her, but their cruel words and actions left her feeling hurt and upset. Every day, she would go to work with a heavy heart, fearing the moment she had to interact with her colleagues. She began to doubt her abilities and questioned if she belonged in such a hostile environment. The stress and emotional toll of the constant bullying affected her work and her confidence began to crumble. Amidst all the pain, there was a ray of hope in th

Unleashing the Hidden Talents - short story

In the vibrant city of Veridian, nestled between lush green hills and shimmering blue lakes, lived a young woman named Lily. She possessed an infectious passion for art and a remarkable talent for creating breathtaking paintings that seemed to breathe life into every stroke of her brush. Despite her artistic brilliance, fate had dealt her a challenging hand – Lily found herself among the ranks of the unemployed. As the economy faced a downturn, businesses struggled to stay afloat, and many talented individuals like Lily found themselves without job opportunities. Yet, even in the midst of uncertainty, Lily clung to her dream of sharing her art with the world. One crisp autumn day, as the leaves painted the streets with a tapestry of colors, Lily stumbled upon an abandoned building in the heart of the city. Its faded facade and boarded-up windows spoke of past glories long forgotten. An idea sparked within Lily's mind like the first rays of sunlight breaking through the clouds. With

Unraveling the Challenges Faced by Asexual Individuals

Misunderstanding and Misconceptions: Asexuality is still not widely understood or recognized by society. Asexual individuals often encounter misconceptions about their orientation, such as being labeled as "broken" or "incomplete." Pressure to be "Normal": Asexual individuals may experience pressure from friends, family, or society to conform to traditional norms and pursue romantic or sexual relationships, even when it doesn't align with their desires. Feeling Isolated: Asexuality is relatively less common than other sexual orientations, which can lead to feelings of isolation or being misunderstood by others. Finding a supportive community can be challenging, especially in more conservative or uninformed environments. Relationship Challenges: Asexual individuals might face difficulties in romantic relationships, especially if their partner has different sexual needs or expectations. Navigating the balance of intimacy and emotional connection can be c

Embracing Asexuality and Finding Fulfillment

Embracing Asexuality and Cultivating Joyful Living   Finding happiness as an asexual individual is similar to finding happiness for anyone else, but there are some specific considerations and tips that may be helpful: Self-acceptance: Accepting and embracing your asexuality is the foundation for finding happiness. Recognize that asexuality is a valid sexual orientation and not something that needs to be changed or fixed. Embrace who you are and understand that you deserve happiness as much as anyone else. Educate Yourself: Learn more about asexuality and connect with the asexual community. Understanding yourself better and connecting with others who share similar experiences can be empowering and reassuring. Communication: If you're in a relationship or seeking one, open and honest communication is crucial. Make sure your partner understands your asexuality and that you both are on the same page regarding intimacy and the relationship's boundaries. Set Boundaries: It's esse

Breaking the Chains of Sadism - short story

A Journey of Redemption and Healing from Past Traumas. In the heart of a bustling city lived a man named Victor, whose outward appearance masked a darker and more complex nature within. He was a sadist, finding pleasure in causing others pain and suffering. However, this inclination did not stem from a place of malice or cruelty, but rather from unresolved traumas and a desperate need to regain control in a chaotic world. Victor's childhood was marred by abuse and neglect, leaving deep emotional scars that shaped his perception of the world. As a young boy, he often felt powerless, vulnerable, and at the mercy of others. In a twisted turn of events, he found that inflicting pain on others allowed him to momentarily escape his own feelings of powerlessness. The act of exerting control over someone else's pain gave Victor a fleeting sense of dominance and authority, filling the void left by his own traumatic experiences. This newfound power became an addiction, an escape from the

The Psychological Journey of a Foot Lover - short story

Once upon a time in a small, picturesque town lived a man named Oliver. He was an ordinary individual with a fascinating passion that intrigued many - he was a foot lover. However, Oliver's fondness for feet wasn't rooted in any fetishistic or sexual desire; rather, it stemmed from a unique psychological connection he had developed during his formative years. As a child, Oliver was a shy and introverted boy, struggling to find his place in the world. He often found solace in observing the little details around him. One day, as he was sitting by a pond, he noticed the beauty of his mother's feet as she dipped them into the water, playfully splashing around. He was mesmerized by the elegance and grace they exuded, and this seemingly mundane moment left a profound impact on his young mind. Feet became Oliver's window into understanding people on a deeper level. He observed how people's feet carried them through life's various challenges, adapting to different terra